The community garden is located at the rear of Farnham Street Neighbourhood Learning Centre in the Farnham Street Reserve. It consists of individual plots and communal facilities including a Food Forest with educational signage. Throughout the year the garden hosts community events and education activities in conjunction with like-minded organisations such as Melbourne Inner Northwest Transition Initiative (MINTI) and My Smart Garden.
Some of the plots are there for growing produce for use in Life Skills Cooking classes at FSNLC. The rest of the plots are allocated to individuals who wish to tend their own plot. Preference is given to gardeners who do not have their own private garden, hold a concession card and are interested in attending the Horticulture in the Community group on Friday mornings between 10am-12pm.
As part of this group, more experienced gardeners share their knowledge
and skills with each other and less experienced gardeners in caring for
their own garden plots and communal areas. The garden is largely used
for growing edible plants using organic and sustainable gardening